From now on, to reach my web-site please go to http://www.HandwritingThatWorks.com or http://www.HandwritingRepair.info
Left-handers (and those who love and teach them) will find a left-handed writing info page on my site at http://www.HandwritingRepair.info/LeftyLinks.html (eventually also at http://www.HandwritingThatWorks.com/LeftyLinks.html -- but not there quite yet).
Small Scribbles: Handwriting: There's More to it than Putting Pencil to Paper
Would you like to see the only handwriting program actually designed *by* an Aspie? Go to http://www.HandwritingThatWorks.com and let me (the designer) know what you think ...
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
I'd like to open by asking for anyone's thoughts about handwriting. Depending on the responses, this may remain a blog about handwriting (which I teach/remediate for a living) or it may address other issues.
You can find my own (somewhat unconventional) thoughts about/involvement with handwriting on my web-page at http://www.learn.to/handwrite or http://www.global2000.net